Friday, April 3, 2009


Developing key metrics for any process or project is very important. The right metrics ensure that you are on the right path and that the right goals have been set. For example, if a dye salesman comes in and says he has a new fluorescent dye that is much more efficient and that it can reduce current fluorescent dye usage one might say the key metric is the fluorescent dye feed rate. Although this may be important it is the wrong metric. If the new dye costs more than the old dye then what have you really done? The machine manager would say that a trial wouldn't be worth it because there may be no savings gained and it could also upset the current process. The key metric for this project should be the savings, which is the key metric in many cases. There may be other times when a new chemical or technology can speed up a machine which increases the overall machine efficiency. This also improves the bottom line since it would ultimately increase the amount of paper out the door. Another key metric that is overlooked at times is safety. These are the three key metrics most often used to justify a trial. Quality is important but if there are no customer complaints then most of the time it is not a reason for change. So basically I'm saying make sure you know what you want, and make sure you know how to convince others that you need what you want.

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